
Monday, September 16, 2013

These are my latest purchase of heels and I love them. Black & white with a minimalistic feel, these are so "me" since I've never been one for crazy patterns or wild colors. They seem like they could go with mostly anything, and when the only other pair of heels you own are blue (thus looking for a dress to match them with every event), these seem like a pretty great buy. Plus they were more than 50% off, and who doesn't love a good deal?

I'm not sure when I'll be wearing these because when you're an awkward 5'8" in a sea of average 5'5"s & below, flats are the more sensible, not to mention comfortable, choice. I still need to practice walking in heels too before I take them out for a spin and fall flat on my face. Still, I'm pretty happy with them and I could always bring them with me when I hopefully move across the world next year (which reminds me to stop procrastinating and study seriously). 


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